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March, the month that sees Lady Spring and King Winter battle back and forth for command of the weather. Depending on where you live you may have plenty of snow or are seeing lots of beautiful flowers pop up. No matter the weather these verses, songs, and finger-plays are sure to inspire daily fun and connection for you and your child(ren). 

Good Morning Dear Earth

Good morning dear earth

Good morning dear sun

Good morning dear stones

and flowers everyone


Good morning dear beasts

Good morning dear trees

Good morning to you and 

Good morning to me

Good Morning Dear Earth
00:00 / 00:26

The sun with loving light

makes bright for me each day.

The soul with spirit power

gives strength unto my limbs.

In sunlight shining clear

I revere, O God,

the strength of humankind

which thou has planted in my soul

That I with all my might

may love to work and learn

From Thee stream light & strength,

to Thee rise love & thanks

Morning Verse

Drive the Winter Out

This is a song I always used with my kids and students as we danced around the room pretending to sweep winter away. We often sung it repeatedly and it could be easily sung as a round. 

Drive the Winter OutArtist Name
00:00 / 00:22

It's how we drive the winter out
Through the towns and through the lanes

And in the lovely fields below

Men and spring and summer wait

Winter Goodbye

Winter Goodbye
00:00 / 00:26

Winter Goodbye, Winter Goodbye
You can no longer stay,

Springtime is on its way,

Winter Goodbye, Winter Goodbye

The Wind

By: Betty Jones

 (I like to make up actions for each line, and encourage you and your kiddos to have fun doing the same!)

The Wind, the Wind, what does it say?

"Well, that depends on the mood of the day!
When it's sunny and hot I will be just a breeze,
But when its cold and stormy I will make you sneeze,
Blowing so strong I will blustery be
Whipping the trees, tossing boats on the sea,
And then I might tire and take a wee sleep
Snoring softly. in my voice to deep - ooooh - aaaaah"

I love to add a story for special holidays like Saint Patrick's Day to my circle time. It gives a little calm to things after songs and movement. Here's a cute little one I stumbled upon. 

“May your Troubles be less
And your Blessings be more

And nothing but Happiness
Come through your door”

By:  Leanne Guenther  

Five little leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day
The first one said, 'I'd like to play!'

The second one stood beside a rainbow.
The third one waved and said, 'Hello!'

The fourth one said, 'Good luck to the bold.'
The fifth one said, 'Just don't touch my gold!'

Plink, plink went the harp ' they all danced around,
Then five leprechauns ran off with a bound.

5 Little Leprechauns

5 Green Shamrocks

One green shamrock, in the morning dew,'
Another one sprouted, 
and then there were two.


Two green shamrocks, growing beneath a tree;'
Another one sprouted,
and then there were three.'


Three green shamrocks, by the cottage door;'
Another one sprouted, 
and then there were four.


Four green shamrocks, near a beehive'
Another one sprouted, 
and then there were five.


Five little shamrocks, bright and emerald green,'
Think of all the luck 
these shamrocks will bring.

Spring is Coming

Spring is Coming
00:00 / 01:00

Spring is coming, Spring is Coming

Birdies build your nests.

Weave together straw and feather,

Doing each your best.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too.

Crocus, lilies, daffo-dillies,

All are coming through.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

All around is fair.

Shiver, quiver, on the river,

Joy is everywhere.


This is a nest for a robin,
(make a cup with two hands)
This is a hive for a bee,
(use two fists to make a hive)
This is a hole for a rabbit,
(make a circle by putting your thumbs and index fingers together)
And this is a house for me.
(make a roof over your head with your arms)

Through the Meadow

Through the meadow, let us walk,

and see what wonders Spring has brought.

Skipping, skipping, let us go,

as the breeze blows, to and fro.

But watch your step and look where you go!

Here is a creature, tiny and slow.

Here is a Rabbit

Here is a rabbit, 

(hold up your fist)

And here are his ears,
(put two fingers up like a peace sign)

And here is his hole in the ground.
(Using your other hand make a round hole by connecting your pointer finger and thumb)

When noises he hears,
(wiggle your pointer and middle finger of your peace sign)

He pricks up his ears,
(straighten your pointer and middle finger of your peace sign)

And jumps in his hole in the ground.
(Make your rabbit dive into the hole)


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