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Day 15

Day 15 did not go as we planned. He went for his chemo treatment and results from bloodwork were good— wbc, hemoglobin, platelets all good. His Neutrophils were improved and even his blasts were better but just not perfect. He still is showing 1% blasts so because of this, they didn’t give us the go ahead to head home. There is a very small chance that he could spring a fever and need quick treatment that they would rather handle here than rely on our home hospital for. So, we’re here until at least Friday, & our hearts are absolutely broken.

They are concerned with his nutrition because his BMI is still low. Despite the fact that he’s gained over 2 lbs in 5 days — he’s been a bottomless pit. They made me meet with the dietitian again today to discuss meal replacement shakes (again full of absolute poison — seed oils, syrups and sugars — ingredients that fuel cancer rather than fight it). I once again had to advocate for real food nutrition, & the fact that at home we have access to endless grass fed meat, pastured eggs, homegrown organic veg, & raw milk. They understand I know what I’m talking about when it comes to nutrition, & they didn’t have a leg to stand on with regard to their processed crap compared to real food.

One of the reasons I want him home so badly, beyond the fact that Mitch & Luke are there, is that it truly is a healing place— no toxic cleaners & perfumes (unlike the airbnbs/hotels & hospital), no processed foods, no loud city noises, no pollution, less EMF exposure, fresh country air, view of the river, natural essential oils of the forest, etc. I am eager to get him in the sunlight, grounding, doing breath work, daily detox baths, rebounding, high vitamin IV, saunas & more. I feel so helpless here with him. I feel so alone and responsible in caring for him, with Mitch away & when Lochlan won’t let anyone else in.

But instead, we’re in the loud hustle & bustle of a city with sirens, & cars, & jackhammers, & EMFs galore. In an airbnb with all of the conventional toxic cleaners & smells. Eating grocery store versions (way lower nutrient density) of foods we grow at home.

3 more days seems like an eternity.



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