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Day 41

Today was the last day of the county fair so we spent a few hours there in the afternoon, soaking up all we could while it lasted. The hard work that the various farmers put in to bring the fair to life and make it so meaningful to families like ours is something I will always be so grateful for.

Lochlan had another day of feeling pretty good. His legs are still sore from simply using them and building muscle back for the first time in a long time. He got to meet up with friends and chat, eat some delicious food, and enjoy the shows in the show ring. Again, a little normalcy for him.

Back home it began to sink in that tomorrow we go back to face reality of life with leukaemia at the hospital. In tears he said, “I just want to be normal, Mom.” He said this all feels like a bad dream he can’t wake up from.

After some cleaning tears, we decided a cleaning shower would be a good idea. His steri-strips from his port surgery came off and he finally could see what things look like. He was actually kind of excited about his healing… that where they put the port in, the skin has healed. It was a good visual to the mantra and belief that “the body continuously heals”.

Lochlan and I have a busy week ahead while Luke and Mitch are away for a fencing camp. I wish it were me heading away with Luke (as is use for his sports camps), but we thought it best that we keep things as they have been with me handling all the hospital stuff while Mitch takes care of Luke. The roles we fall into aren’t often ones we’d choose but are simply what works best for the kids. So with tired eyes and a heavy heart I press ahead to be there for my little man.

And so as we head to bed, I hand all my worries and troubles and fears over to God. Only He can truly know what is to come, and I simple need to let go and trust. I heard a saying today that I liked: “Do your best, and trust God will do the rest.” I think I’m going to use that as this journey gets going, and we take things one step at a time.


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