Today was a really good day for Lochlan. He woke up smiling, and he had good energy levels. We spent lots of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather, and even went for a big walk halfway up our back hill and back. He enjoyed spending time with his brother, and ate well throughout the day.
After supper I told the boys to go outside while Mitch and I did dishes together. I asked Lochlan if he wanted help on the stairs, but he said no. He was feeling confident. He made it down the steps without issue, walked across the driveway to the barn and when he went to step up onto the stair he lost his balance and fell. Mitch and I heard him wailing and ran out to him. He hurt his hip, knee, foot, elbow and wrist… and his confidence. Luke came to see him and told him that everyone falls down. That he’s fallen before and will fall again. What’s important is that we just get up and keep going. Fall forward.

I scooped him up and carried him up to his room to inspect the damage. I expect a few bruises to show up tomorrow, but it was mainly his spirit that was broken. He cried a lot out of sadness, not pain. We talked at length about how stumbles and missteps happen, and sometimes we get hurt, but we can learn from them, and rise stronger than ever.
A nice long Epsom salt bath with lavender to soothe the aches helped calm him. When he got out he found it difficult to walk as the soreness was a lot. Mitch carried him to his bed, and then we did some red light therapy while he watched a show before bed.
Just as he was taking strides forward, one instant can change things. Together we promised to not let this setback stop us from moving forward one step at a time.D