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Motherhood Success

Being a mom is the only thing I have ever truly felt successful in. The minute I had Luke I changed forever… into who I was meant to be. Then Lochlan came along and I felt complete, and whole.

My love for them is fierce and protective, yet nurturing and gentle.This love is the foundation of everything I do, guiding me as I strive to be their biggest supporter and their safe haven.

Watching my boys grow into the people they are meant to be is a privilege. Their dreams and aspirations become my own, and I find myself cheering them on, ready to catch them if they fall.

With Lochlan’s very high risk leuka

emia diagnosis it has shaken me as a mom. It’s forced me to question everything I’ve done and believe in. It’s made me cherish every second with my boys even more than I ever did before (and I truly never took a second with them for granted before the diagnosis). It’s forced me to lean into my faith, and let go of the piece of me that wants control. Motherhood is a beautiful and heartbreaking dance of letting go while holding on, of teaching and learning, of giving and receiving, of trusting in God in order to get through.

Every day with my boys is precious and my love for them only deepens with time. They are my heart, my joy, and my greatest accomplishment. Being their mother is the most rewarding journey I could ever imagine, filled with love that knows no bounds.



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